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Tina's Reading Space

Book reviews, random musings and all things bookish. 


Review: Written on Her Heart

Written On Her Heart - Paige Rion

Sigh ah romance. This was exactly what I needed this week, a well crafted famous-person-meets- small-town-girl book. Written on Her Heart was a delightful read full of great scenery and some interesting characters.

It is easy to write about friends that are great, that have your back at every turn and are there to support you. This is not that book. Andi's friends are complicated, selfish and some of them ultimately aren't friends at all. It was a nice break from a lot of the other romance books I've read lately. I hope that some of the next books in the series go into more detail about these characters because some of the issues seem to have been a little glossed over in this story.

Andi and Ford's chemistry jumps off of the page from the get go. I enjoyed the slow build of their relationship and the fact that she tried to salvage her current relationship despite her attraction to Ford. Not every relationship starts on the best of terms, but Andi needed to realize on her own terms that her boyfriend was not everything she deserved.

I really enjoyed reading this story and am looking forward to more from this author. Highly recommended.


*I received a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. I was not monetarily compensated for my opinion.*