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Tina's Reading Space

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Review: The Price of Love by Maggi Craft

The Price of Love (A Price Novel Book 1) - Maggi Craft, Laura Meehan, Kristin Thiel

As you can tell by the rating, this book was not my cup of tea. I had a really hard time getting through it and it almost went into the do not finish pile. I did finish it, and though there is a teaser (sorta cliffhanger?) at the end, I won't be reading the sequel. All I can say is that the sex must have been good, because there was not a lot of redeeming qualities in this relationship.


Arden was an impossible character: her insecurities and inability to deal with life really frustrated me. I understand that everyone has insecurities and things to learn and grow from, but Arden never did. She runs from her problems and constantly second guesses her relationship. Right up to the last page she was second guessing every decision and that did not sit well with me, especially for a character who was in medical school for 8 years. Diligence, hard work and decision making are required to be a good doctor, and Arden's personality in her relationship contradicted all of those things.


Slayde was an okay character, there wasn't a lot of exciting moments for him. Aside from his love of Arden he seemed like a typical guy. Sweet, attentive and down to earth. I guess I didn't understand why he kept pursuing Arden after her repeated terrible behavior. I understand that he loved her, but being a punching bag for someone's tantrums and misunderstandings would be grating and it seemed like he was the only one invested in the relationship for most of the book.


All in all, this book wasn't for me. I couldn't connect with the characters and the constant drama (break up, make up, break up, make up- ugh) just frustrated me instead of building that lovers tension that the author was going for. If you enjoy a lot of drama, then this book is for you.


I received a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. I was not monetarily compensated for my opinion.